
Installation is handled by Python’s standard setuptools library and pip.

Pip Install

pip may need to be updated to be able to install binary wheel packages.

pip install -U pip

pip install parallel-ssh

If pip is not available on your Python platform, see this installation guide.

From Source Dependencies

When installing from source, dependencies must be satisfied by pip install -r requirements.txt or by system packages.

For binary packages, see Pip Install.

Dependency Minimum Version
ssh2-python per requirements.txt
ssh-python per requirements.txt
gevent per requirements.txt

Building from Source

parallel-ssh is hosted on GitHub and the repository can be cloned with the following

git clone
cd parallel-ssh

To install from source run:

pip install .

Or for developing changes:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Python 2

As of January 1st 2021, Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python Software Foundation nor parallel-ssh - see Sunset Python 2.

Versions of parallel-ssh<=2.4.0 will still work.

Future releases are not guaranteed to be compatible or work at all with Python 2.

Versions >=2.5.0 may still work, no code changes have yet been made to stop Python 2 from working, though no support is offered if they do not.

Vendors that distribute this package for Python 2 are advised to run integration tests themselves on versions >=2.5.0 to confirm compatibility - no automated testing is performed on Python 2 by this project.

If your company requires Python 2 support contact the author directly at the email address on Github commits to discuss rates.